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Normal Damage

Critical Hit after resistance

Formula for Critical Hit Resistance

All your skills can have a Critical Hit Rate (we name it \(YourCriticalChance\) now). But an enemy, like a boss, Colossi or other, can have a Critical Resistance (lets name that \(TargetCriticalResistance\)). \[ RealCriticalChance = YourCriticalChance * ( 1 - TargetCriticalResistance ) \] It can also be the other way around. An enemy shoots you. The enemy has a Critical Hit Rate and you are the target. But you have some Critical Hit Resistance. Less chance for the enemy to hurt you hard.

Example for Critical Hit Resistance

Let's say you have 80% Critical Chance. The target (enemy, boss, ...) has a Critical Resistance of 25%. Then in numbers this is \[\begin{align} RealCriticalChance & = YourCriticalChance * ( 1 - TargetCriticalResistance ) \\& = 80\% * ( 1 - 25\% ) \\&= 0.8 * ( 1 - 0.25 ) \\&= 0.8 * ( 0.75 ) \\&= 0.8 * 0.75 \\&= 0.6 \\&= 60\% \end{align}\] So your initial 80% Critical Hit Rate goes down to 60% with this. It is not a simple subtraction but a little percentage fun.